Yu-gi-oh! Dueling SQuad Wiki

Marchen Awakens Romance made me think of this new and amazing way to duel, Chess Dueling

This uses a chess board rules with up to 16 duelests for each team and dueling is more intense and adds a unique twist but this is a little different from my original idea

This will give players special privlages during tournaments with different conditions per person

Your piece used will determine what unique ability you get

Chess piece White Black
Pawn Promotion (Rook) (Bishop) Promotion (Rook) (Knight)
Rook Def +500 Atk +500
Bishop Lp + 1000 Opp Lp -1000
Knight Pierce Pierce
Queen Rook and Bishop Abilities Rook and Knight Abilities
King Ace Summon Ace Summon

Life remaining/ 10 = Exp gained

Name Level Exp Chess piece Color
Heaven Satoshi 3 3000 Pawn (King) White
Pawn (Queen) White
Gokudera 1 0 Pawn (Knight) White
Pawn (Knight) White
Pawn (Bishop) White
Pawn (Bishop) White
Pawn (Rook) White
Pawn (Rook) White
Pawn White
Pawn White
Pawn White
Pawn White


Pawn White
Pawn White
Pawn White
Vizor 4 6215 Pawn (King) Black
Pawn (Queen) Black
Paradox 1 950 Pawn (Knight) Black
Pawn (Knight) Black
Pawn (Bishop) Black
Pawn (Bishop) Black
Pawn (Rook) Black
Pawn (Rook) Black
Number Hunter  2 1180 Pawn Black
Pawn Black
Pawn Black
Pawn Black
Pawn Black
Pawn Black
Pawn Black
Pawn Black

You must put information on this page for it to be valad

Loops cannot last more than 10 minutes otherwise you forfeit the duel

You gain 2000 Exp for battle damage OTK and state what combo it was and you must have full life 

Moves that finish your opponent off but they still have life prevents you from gaining exp

(Having an annoying girlfriend doubles your current exp) "One time thing" "State how she annoy's you"

Tag duels, both partners must put in their life points and state that duel was a tag duel and who delivered the finishing blow 

Tag is combined life/20 + "150 exp" "(Only for the player who finished opponent off)"

Level Exp Needed
1 0
2 1000
3 3000
4 6000
5 10000
6 15000
7 21000
8 28000
9 36000
10 (Rank up) 45000
11 55000
12 66000
13 78000
14 91000
15 105000
16 120000
17 136000
18 153000
19 171000
20 (Rank up) 190000

(The Following Updates will take effect) (4/1/13)

I will also post challenges for you guys to do so you can earn extra exp outside of duels, will be anime/ video games based and it could be anything i have seen or heard of 
